Park and Campground
General Park Rules:
Speed Limit is 5 mph.
Quiet Hours are 9 PM - 8 AM Sun to Thurs and 10 PM - 8 AM Fri and Sat.. Please be considerate of others and respect the Quiet Hours.
Fires must be contained in an appropriate grill or camping stove. Do not leave fires left unattended. They must be extinguished before retiring or leaving the site. Fireworks are always prohibited.
Trash/Gray Water: Do not litter. Please keep trash picked up near your site and the dumpsters. State law prohibits the discharge of gray or black water (sewer) on the ground or stored in containers.
Laundry Facilities are for laundry only. Guests must follow all Laundry Rules below.
Motorized Vehicles: ATVs and side-by-sides are not permitted.
Maximum Number Guests: 4 adults or 6 people.
Cleanliness: Guests shall maintain their RV Site in a clean and sanitary condition, and when you leave the Park you agree to surrender the RV Site in as good condition as when you arrived.
No Storage: No materials of any type may be stored on, around, or under your camper, unless approved by management. Guest sites must remain free from trash, appliances, bicycles, and unused items other than a patio table, chairs, BBQ grill, umbrella and awning. No tarps are allowed for any reason.
No Structures: No permanent structures, decks, etc. are permitted unless approved by Management. All permanent structures become property of the Park. Management must approve Rubbermaid storage containers.
Guest's Campers must be kept in good condition and repaired, washed on a regular basis, and well-maintained.
Golf Carts: Electric golf carts are allowed with prior approval from Management. Insurance information must be on file. Licensed operators only. Must abide by the 5mph speed limit. No gas-powered golf carts are allowed.
Clotheslines are not permitted.
Sewer Hookups: Any plumbing issues caused by Guests will be corrected at the Guest's expense. Guests must have a secured closed connection between their sewage hose and our sewage connector on the ground. Guests will be charged for any sewage spillage and cleanup.
No Firearms/Drugs/Alcohol: The use and display of firearms, air arms, paintball guns, fireworks, explosives, weapons, and illegal drugs or substances is strictly prohibited. Excessive use of alcoholic beverages will not be tolerated.
Vehicles: Limit of two vehicles per site unless prior approval from Management (if space allows). Additional vehicles may be approved by Management for a fee.Washing of vehicles other than your camper is not permitted. No changing of fluids such as oil or gas. No repairs shall be made to vehicles except emergency repairs, approved by Management. Do not park on other sites without permission.
Conduct: Any person who violates these Park Rules, or any disorderly conduct directed at staff, managers, guests, or other campers will not be tolerated and will result in termination of your camping privileges as well as removal from the campground without refund. All campground buildings are non-smoking. We expect all Guests to show respect for your neighbors and the staff.
No Tenancy Rights: By staying at the Park, you agree that you do not have tenancy rights but are only a Guest staying on a month-to-month basis. In other words, this document does not create a tenant-landlord relationship. Management reserves the right to amend or supplement the Park Rules or rental rates at any time.
Stay At Your Own Risk. All Guests agree that their stay at the Park is at their own risk. Guests agree not to sue the Management, or Owners of the Park, and agree to hold the Management and Owners harmless for any injury, error, accident, acts of God, acts of another Guest, or their pets, animal bites, mosquito bites, trip-n-fall accidents or otherwise.
Rent is due on the 1st day of every month. On the 5th day a $5 late fee will be applied to your rental invoice. Each additional day payment is late, the fee will be $5/day. If you haven’t paid by the 20th of the month, you will be asked to pay immediately or vacate the Park.
Online Payments: We encourage you to pay your bill online through the Innago link emailed to you each month.
Cancellation Policy: While there is no cancellation fee for monthly Guests, you will be charged the greater of the Weekly Rate or a Full Monthly rate for your final month unless a 14-day notice is given in writing to Management.
Transaction Fees:
Innago charges a 2.99% fee for all credit card transactions.
If you pay by direct debit to your bank account, there is no fee because the Park pays the fee charged by Innago as a courtesy to our Guests.
If you have an NSF, or “Insufficient Funds” reversal Innago may charge you a processing fee, or remove your rights to pay with a bank account.
NO AGGRESSIVE DOGS are allowed in the Park. Aggressive dogs can be of any breed. Guests with a pet demonstrating aggressive behavior, or excessive barking will result in you being asked to leave with no refund of your security deposit.
All pets must be always kept on a leash unless in the pet park.
Leaving pets unattended in the pet park is not allowed. This amenity is provided only for a means of exercise for the pet.
Guests must clean up after their pet. Guests shall pick up and properly dispose of pet waste.
All pets must be registered with the Park and must be current on all vaccinations.
Maximum of two pets per RV Site.
Pets are not to be left unattended at your site. Do not leave pets tethered on a leash or chain or in a pen outside overnight or when you are absent.
No pets other than registered service animals are allowed in the office, or laundry area.
Laundry and Shower house facilities at Geronimo Village RV Park require all Guests to follow these rules or laundry privileges may be revoked.
Do not wash any pet materials of any kind.
Do not wash any bedding comforters, blankets, bedspreads, etc.
Do not wash any bulky items such as coats, shoes, curtains, rugs, or throws.
Do not overfill washers or dryers.
Please wring out any items with excess water on them before placing them into the dryers.
The Park is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or unattended laundry.
No pets are permitted in the laundry room.
No smoking or consuming alcohol in the laundry room.
Please be courteous of other Guests, be gentle with the machines and be respectful to the park laundry room and showers.